Saturday, January 22, 2011

Littlest activists

Thursday afternoon I went down to the rally for midwifery at province house, covering it and taking some photos. It was down right bone chillingly cold out and there were more sweet cheeked babies and adorable little ones than I could have imagined. Such little socially-aware protesters! Hundreds came to support changes to the current state of midwifery, namely, moving it out of the IWK. I spoke to organizers Stephanie and Jackie, whose hard work really paid off.
My favourite little supporter of all is a big fan of midwives. Above is one of my nephews Cole wearing his "My midwife helped me out" sign proudly.  He was born in 2009 under a midwife's care. Check out for more info on the current state of midwife care, as well as my recent article for the Commoner 

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