Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Let's have a toast to the...

My coffee table. hmm, who can spot the matchers?
...non-neighbourly person responsible for this.
Ahh, apartment living. Just follow along with me as I swear under my breath. Tonight was laundry night- I have had $18 worth of quarters weighing down my purse for the past three days just waiting for the opportune moment to finally get my laundry done. Then tonight came.Wheee, I thought. It's like an arcade! And being that it's Monday, I'll have the laundry room all to myself to put my quarters in as I please, cha-ching, cha-ching.

lulu tops from every doorknob?ok.
Not so. I don't know the exact rules on laundry etiquette, but I'd wager my $18 that removing someone's clothes from the dryer while it's drying to put yours in is NOT acceptable. Concur? So the point of all this- and why all I can do is laugh- is that I now have 78 socks, 13 towels, 34 facecloths, and 54 items of clothing- all soaking wet- strewn across my entire apartment. (Which I had just cleaned.) Look, laugh, appreciate that it didn't happen to you and fingers crossed they dry. Hey, on the bright side- I don't have to fold.
Every raised surface is now home to apparel of all kinds.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh Poor S. Looks like you will be wearing crunchy undies for a few weeks.